Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Mexico's President, Vicente Fox, has U.S. lawmakers in a tizzy over new legislation, passed last week by the Mexican Congress, which designates small quantities of heroin, cocaine and other narcotics as drugs that people can use without being prosecuted as criminals.

Mexican authorities say it's an effort to free police from dealing with small-time, petty drug users, while U.S. authorities, fearful of an increase in drug trafficking near the border, and having American citizens turned into narco-tourists, say the bill is an attempt to decimalize narcotics.

The legislation passed by the Mexican Senate would make it legal to possess up to 25 milligrams of heroin, 5 grams of marijuana, or half a gram of cocaine. It would also make it legal to have small amounts of LSD, amphetamines, and up to a kilo of peyote.

With the First Twins well-known penchant for overindulging and then getting arrested, I wonder if their father will be giving them plane tickets to visit his good presidential friend south of the border, or will he just begin bombing Mexico?

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